Alborz Petronikan Co. has been proud to produce a variety of lubricants at the highest quality level in internal and external standards and with the utilization of homeland experts and foreign consultants since 2009,had made a valuable collection of various types of base oils with different grades. Petro Nikan Alborz Company has been focusing on expanding its market and proving its capabilities since the very beginning of launching production lines to export markets, and with the efforts of its sincere and capable colleagues has managed to reach more than 15 countries of the world, including Turkey, , Malaysia, Singapore, India and the United Arab Emirates and … (and all neighboring countries).
Last Products

Multi-grade Express gear oil 85w80 SUPER EP

Express engine oil 20W50 -API SL

Express 20W50 Four liter engine oil

Automatic car gear oil-Ultra Performace- 1Litr

Express 20W50 - API SL 4Litr

Base Oil

Hydraulic motor oil


Letter of appreciation from the GAP-07 of Exporters of Petroleum and Petrochemical Products of Iran

National Standard Organization of Iran

National Presidential Standards Organization
Are you looking for the right oil for your car?
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